In the world of Falraesia, dragons once ruled the lands with the Voice, but decades of corruption and greed led to the Dragon Wars. To end the bloody conflict, the First Ones stripped the dragons of their powers with the Iolyth Stone. In doing so, they rendered the dragons helpless against the rise of humans.
Five centuries later, Bryzsal is a young green dragon who has grown up where the Voice is forbidden, and humans are the enemy. Then, an unexpected encounter with a teenage boy named Gaelion changes his perspective. Bryzsal's troubles have just begun as unforeseen circumstances force them apart.
Now in a struggle for his own survival, Bryzsal makes a startling discovery when he learns the truth about the Dragon Code. Everything he knows of dragon society has been a deception as the burden falls on him to prevent the extinction of the dragons. But, can he overcome his ancestors' dark history?